Aesthetics and ecology: cues to care theory - Ecological design - Design in science - Women in landscape architecture
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Salliou, N., Arborino, T., Nassauer, J. I., Salmeron, D., Urech, P., Vollmer, D., & Grêt-Regamey, A. 2023. Science-design loop for the design of resilient urban landscapes. Socio-Environmental Systems Modelling, 5, 18543.
Li, J. & Nassauer, J. I. 2020.. Cues to care: A systematic analytical review. Landscape & Urban Plan. 201.
Sampson, N., Webster. N., Nassauer, J. I., Schulz, A. J. 2019. Adapting social surveys to depopulating neighborhoods. Landscape Urban Plan. 181: 45-50.
“Socio-environmental systems by design.” Boundary Spanning: Advances in socio-environmental systems research. SESYNC, Annapolis, June 2018.
Opdam, P., Luque, S. Nassauer, J., Verburg, P. H., Wu, J. 2018. How can landscape ecology contribute to sustainability science? Landscape Ecology 33: 1-7.
“Landscape appearance affects environmental health.“ Craig Johnson Lecture. Utah State University, Logan, UT April 2016.
Nassauer, J. I. 2015. Commentary: Visualization verisimilitude and civic participation. Landscape and Urban Planning, 142, 170-172.
Wang, Z., Tan, P.Y., Zhang, T., Nassauer, J. 2014. Perspectives on narrowing the action gap between landscape science and metropolitan governance: Practice in the US and China. Landscape & Urban Plan. 125:329-334.
“Interpreting vernacular landscapes as archetypes for design of green infrastructure.” The 'Artful Rainwater Design' Approach to Green Infrastructure. Pennsylvania State U. April 2013.
Nassauer, J. I. 2013. Landscape as medium and method for synthesis in urban ecological design. In Resilience in Ecology and Urban Design. S. Pickett, M. Cadenasso, B. McGrath, eds. Springer Press. Pp.79-98.
“Design for Cultural Sustainability of Ecosystem Services.” International Federation of Landscape Architects World Congress, Zurich, SW. June 2011.
Gobster, P.H., J.I. Nassauer, and D.J. Nadenicek. 2010. Landscape Journal and scholarship in landscape architecture. Landscape Journal 29: 1-10.
Nassauer, J. I. 2009. Retrospect and forecast: The power of relationship. Landscape Journal. 28: 117-118.
Nassauer, J. I., and P. Opdam. 2008. Design in science: Extending the landscape ecology paradigm. Landscape Ecology 23: 633-644.
Gobster, P.H., J.I. Nassauer, T.C. Daniel, and G. Fry. 2007. The shared landscape: what does aesthetics have to do with ecology? Landscape Ecology 22:959-972.
Nassauer, J. I. 2006. Landscape planning and conservation biology: Systems thinking revisited. Conservation Biology. 20:3: 677-678.
Nassauer, J. I. 2005. Using Cultural Knowledge to Make New Landscape Patterns. In Issues in Landscape Ecology. J. A. Wiens and M. R. Moss, eds. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge UK. Pp. 274-280. Revised from Culture as a Means of Experimentation and Action. In Issues in Landscape Ecology J. A. Wiens and M. R. Moss, eds. International Association for Landscape Ecology.
Nassauer, J. I. and Larson, D. 2004. Aesthetic Initiative Measurement System: A means to achieve context sensitive design. Transportation Research Record. No. 1890: 88-96.
“The Globalized Landscape: Rural Landscape Change and Policy in the United States and European Union.” J. I. Nassauer and D. M. Wascher. Landscapes of Power. Landscape Architecture Foundation and U of IL, Chicago, IL Sept. 2004.
Nassauer, J. I. 2002. Agricultural landscapes in harmony with nature. pp. 189-193. (Revised and reprinted from Visions of American Agriculture, Wm. Lockeretz, ed. 1997) In Fatal Harvest, Douglas Tompkins, ed. Island Press, Washington, D. C. 384 pp.
Nassauer, J. I. 2002. Ecological Science and Design: A Necessary Relationship. Pp.217-230. In Ecology and Design: Frameworks for Learning, B. Johnson and K. Hill, eds. Island Press, Washington, D. C. 530 pp.
Nassauer, J. I., Borich T., Ladjahasan, N. 2001. Aesthetic Initiative Measurement System for the Minnesota Department of Transportation. Institute for Design Research and Outreach, and Center for Transportation Research and Education, ISU, Ames, Iowa.
Nassauer, J. I. 1999. Culture as a Means of Experimentation and Action. In Issues in Landcape Ecology. J. A. Wiens and M. R. Moss, eds. International Association for Landscape Ecology, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario N1G 2W1 Canada. pp. 129-133.
Nassauer, J.I. 1998. Landscapes for our Children. In Today’s actions, tomorrow’s landscapes, Conference papers of the 25th anniversary conference of the New Zealand Institute of Landscape Architects. Te Papa, Wellington. pp.159-163.
“Ecological Science and Design: A Necessary Relationship.” The Shire Conference on Ecology and Design, U of O & U of W, Stevenson, Washington. 1998.
Nassauer, J.I., ed 1997. Placing Nature: Culture and Landscape Ecology. Island Press. Washington, D.C.
Nassauer, J. I. 1995. Messy Ecosystems, Orderly Frames. Landscape Journal. 14:2, pp. 161-170.
Nassauer, J. I. 1995. Culture and Changing Landscape Structure. Landscape Ecology. 10:4, pp. 229-237
Nassauer, J.I. 1992. The Appearance of Ecological Systems as a Matter of Policy. Landscape Ecology. 6:4, 239-250.
Nassauer, J.I. 1988. The Aesthetics of Horticulture: Neatness as a Form of Care. HortSci. 23:6, pp.973-977.
Nassauer, J.I. 1985. Bringing Science to Landscape Architecture. CELA Forum 1:5.
Nassauer, J.I. 1983. Career Development in Women Landscape Architects. Landscape Arch.. 73:6.
Nassauer, J.I., and K.D. Arnold. 1982. National Survey on Career Development of Women in Landscape Architecture. Report to the Amer. Soc. of Landscape Architects.
Nassauer, J., et al. 1981. A ComputerAided Technique for the Analysis of Visual Composition. Proc Regional Design. American Society of Landscape Architects. Washington, DC.
Nassauer, J. 1979. Managing for Naturalness in Wildlands and Agricultural Lands. In Our National Landscape. USDA General Technical Report PSW‑35, Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, Berkeley, California.
Nassauer, J. 1977. Natural Resource Decisions as Art. Proceedings of the Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture, Minneapolis.