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Salliou, N., Arborino, T., Nassauer, J. I., Salmeron, D., Urech, P., Vollmer, D., & Grêt-Regamey, A. 2023. Science-design loop for the design of resilient urban landscapes. Socio-Environmental Systems Modelling, 5, 18543.
Li, J., Nassauer, J.I., Webster, N. J., Preston, S. D., Mason, L. R. 2022. Experience of localized flooding predicts urban flood risk perception and perceived safety of nature-based solutions. Frontiers in Water, 4.
Feng, Y., Nassauer, J. I. 2022. Community experiences of landscape-based stormwater management practices: A review. Ambio, 51, 1837-1854.
Li, J., Nassauer, J. I. & Webster, N. J. 2022. Landscape elements affect public perception of nature-based solutions managed by smart systems. Landscape and Urban Planning, 221, 104355.
Li, J., and J. I. Nassauer. 2021. Technology in support of nature-based solutions requires understanding everyday experiences. Ecology and Society 26(4):35.
Nassauer, J. I., Webster, N., Sampson, N., Li, J. 2021. Care and safety in neighborhood preferences for vacant lot greenspace in legacy cities. Landscape & Urban Plan. 214
Li, J. & Nassauer, J. I. 2020. Cues to care: A systematic analytical review. Landscape & Urban Plan. 201
Nassauer, J. I., N. R. Sampson, N. J. Webster, M. Dewar, S. McElmurry, G. A. Burton, Jr., and C. Riseng. 2019. Green Infrastructure on Vacant Land: An Integrated Assessment with Implications for Detroit. NEW-GI White Paper No. 3. 120 pp.
Sampson, N., Webster. N., Nassauer, J. I., Schulz, A. J. 2019. Adapting social surveys to depopulating neighborhoods. Landscape Urban Plan. 181: 45-50.
"SciTech Now Episode 418." SciTech Now, PBS. Aired 26 Feb. 2018.
"Secret Gardens | Minute Updates | Great Lakes Now." Detroit Public TV, Great Lakes Now. 12 Nov. 2018.
G. A. Burton Jr., S. P. McElmurry, and C. Riseng. 2018. Green Infrastructure on Vacant Land: Mitigating Aquatic Stressors of Urban Ecosystems through Green Stormwater Infrastructure. NEW-GI White Paper No. 2. 28 pp.
M. Dewar, G. Cho, R. Labov, M. Egler, and A. Alvarez. 2018. Making Governance Work for Green Stormwater Infrastructure on Vacant Land in Legacy Cities. NEW-GI Technical Report No. 2. 34 pp.
Nassauer, J. I., and Y. Feng. 2018. Different Contexts, Different Designs for Green Infrastructure. NEW-GI Technical Rpt. No. 1. 49 pp.
“Socio-environmental systems by design.” Boundary Spanning: Advances in socio-environmental systems research. SESYNC, Annapolis, June 2018.
Opdam, P., Luque, S. Nassauer, J., Verburg, P. H., Wu, J. 2018. How can landscape ecology contribute to sustainability science? Landscape Ecology 33: 1-7.
Nassauer, J. I. 2017. Greening sprawl: Lawn culture and carbon storage in the suburban landscape. In Infinite Suburbia. A.M. Berger & J. Kotkin, eds. Princeton Architectural Press, New York. Pp. 506-517.
Lichten, N., J. Nassauer, M. Dewar, N. Sampson, N. Webster. 2017. Green Infrastructure on Vacant Land: Achieving Social and Environmental Benefits in Legacy Cities. NEW-GI White Paper No. 1. 63 pp.
“Landscape appearance affects environmental health.“ Craig Johnson Lecture. Utah State University, Logan, UT April 2016.
Nassauer, J., M. Dewar, S. McElmurry,N. Sampson, A. Alvarez, A. Burton, C. Riseng, A. Shulz, N. Webster, N. Lichten. 2016. NEW-GI Neighborhood, Environment and Water research collaborations for Green Infrastructure. University of Michigan Water Center, Ann Arbor, MI. 17 pp.
Nassauer, J.I. Michigan Radio, Stateside. The Next Idea, 12/ 12/ 2016.
Nassauer, J. I. 2015. Commentary: Visualization verisimilitude and civic participation. Landscape and Urban Planning, 142, 170-172.
Erickson, Jim. Innovative gardens help manage stormwater while beautifying Detroit neighborhoods. 25 November, 2015. Michigan News
Urban Green Infrastructure: Barriers and Opportunities. Great Lakes Week 2015. 29 September, 2015. Detroit Public Television
Daloğlu, I., J. I. Nassauer, R. L. Riolo, D. Scavia. 2014. An integrated social and ecological modeling framework-impacts of agricultural conservation practices on water quality. Ecology and Society, Vol 19 (3).
Daloglu,I., Nassauer,J.I., Riolo,R., Scavia, D. 2014. Development of a farmer typology of agricultural conservation behavior in the American Corn Belt. Agricultural Systems, 129: 93-102.
Nassauer, J. I. Raskin, J. 2014. Urban vacancy and land use legacies: A frontier for urban ecological research, design, and planning. Landscape & Urban Plan. 125: 245-253.
“Transdisciplinary discovery to benefit Detroit neighborhoods and freshwater resources” MCubed symposium. University of Michigan, October 2014.
Wang, Z., Tan, P.Y., Zhang, T., Nassauer, J. 2014. Perspectives on narrowing the action gap between landscape science and metropolitan governance: Practice in the US and China. Landscape & Urban Plan. 125:329-334.
Nassauer, J. I. 9/4/ 2014. The rise of vacant urban property in America is both a fiscal challenge and a design and planning opportunity. The London School of Economics daily blog on American Politics and Policy.
“Interpreting vernacular landscapes as archetypes for design of green infrastructure.” The 'Artful Rainwater Design' Approach to Green Infrastructure. Pennsylvania State U. April 2013.
Marshall, L.L., and J. I. Nassauer 2013. Design and planning to manage the carbon cycle: Invention and variation in land use and land cover. In Land Use and the Carbon Cycle: Science and Applications in Coupled Natural-Human Systems. D. G. Brown, D. T. Robinson, N. H.F. French, and B. C. Reed, eds. Cambridge University Press. Pp.477-504.
Nassauer, J. I. 2013. Landscape as medium and method for synthesis in urban ecological design. In Resilience in Ecology and Urban Design. S. Pickett, M. Cadenasso, B. McGrath, eds. Springer Press. Pp.79-98.
Wang, Z., Nassauer, J. I., Brown, D. B., Marans, R. 2012. Different types of open spaces and their importance to exurban homeowners. Society Natural Resources 25: 368-385.
“Design for Cultural Sustainability of Ecosystem Services,” International Federation of Landscape Architects World Congress, Zurich, SW. June 2011.
Bryant Neighborhood Stormwater Management: Landscape Analysis and Alternative Scenarios. 2011 Master's Project. Druback and Fix
Nassauer, J.I., J.A. Dowdell, Z. Wang, D. McKahn, B. Chilcott, C. L. King, S. Secchi. 2011. Iowa farmers' responses to transformative scenarios for Corn Belt agriculture. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, Vol. 66 (1), pp 18A-24A.
Gobster, P.H., J.I. Nassauer, and D.J. Nadenicek. 2010. Landscape Journal and scholarship in landscape architecture. Landscape Journal 29: 1-10.
Nassauer, J. I. 2010. Rural landscape change as a product of US federal policy. In Globalisation and Agricultural Landscapes: Change Patterns and Policy Trends in Developed Countries, Primdahl, J. and S. Swaffield, eds. Cambridge University Press. Pp. 185-200.
Nassauer, J. I., Wang, Z., Dayrell, E. 2009. What will the neighbors think? Cultural norms and ecological design. Landscape & Urban Plan. 92: 282-292.
Nassauer, J.I., Wang, Z. , Dayrell, E. 2009. What will the neighbors think? Cultural norms and ecological design. Landscape and Urban Planning, Vol. 92, pp 282-292.
Nassauer, J. I. 2009. Retrospect and forecast: The power of relationship. Landscape Journal. 28: 117-118.
Nassauer, J. I., and P. Opdam. 2008. Design in science: Extending the landscape ecology paradigm. Landscape Ecology 23: 633-644.
Nassauer, J. I., VanWieren, R. 2008. Vacant Land: Today and Tomorrow. Genesee County Land Bank Authority and Michigan Sea Grant, Ann Arbor, MI.
Zellner, M. L., S.E. Page, W. Rand, D.G. Brown, D.T. Robinson, J. I. Nassauer, B. Low. The Emergence of Zoning Policy Games in Exurban Jurisdictions. 2008. Land Use Policy. 26:2, pp. 356-367.
Gobster, P.H., J.I. Nassauer, T.C. Daniel, and G. Fry. 2007. The shared landscape: what does aesthetics have to do with ecology?Landscape Ecology 22:959-972.
Nassauer, J. I., M. V. Santelmann and D. Scavia. 2007. From the Corn Belt to the Gulf: Societal and Environmental Implications of Alternative Agricultural Futures. Resources for the Future Press. Washington, D.C. 260 pp.
Helfand, G. E., Park J. S., Nassauer, J. I., Kosek, S. 2006. The economics of native plants in residential landscape designs.Landscape and Urban Planning. 78: 229-240.
Nassauer, J. I. 2006. Landscape planning and conservation biology: Systems thinking revisited. Conservation Biology. 20:3: 677-678.
Helfand, G. E., Park J. S., Nassauer, J. I., Kosek, S. 2006. The Economics of Native Plants in Residential Landscape Designs. Landscape and Urban Planning. 78: 229-240.
Nassauer, J. I. 2005. Using Cultural Knowledge to Make New Landscape Patterns. In Issues in Landscape Ecology. J. A. Wiens and M. R. Moss, eds. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge UK. Pp. 274-280. Revised from Culture as a Means of Experimentation and Action. In Issues in Landscape Ecology J. A. Wiens and M. R. Moss, eds. International Association for Landscape Ecology.
Corry, R.C., and Nassauer, J.I. 2005. Limitations of using landscape pattern indices to evaluate the ecological consequences of alternative plans and designs. Landscape and Urban Planning. 72(4): pp. 265-280.
Santelmann, M.V., and Larson, K.L. 2004. Foreword [wetlands, natural areas and ecologically healthy urban landscapes]. Wetlands. 24(4): pp. 717-718.
M.V. Santelmann1, D. White, K. Freemark, J.I. Nassauer, J.M. Eilers, K.B. Vaché, B.J. Danielson, R.C. Corry, M.E. Clark, S. Polasky, R.M. Cruse, J. Sifneos, H. Rustigian, C. Coiner, J.Wu and D. Debinski. 2004. Assessing alternative futures for agriculture in Iowa, U.S.A.Landscape Ecology 19: pp. 357–374.
Nassauer, J. I. 2004. Monitoring the success of metropolitan wetland restorations: cultural sustainability and ecological function. Wetlands 24:4. pp. 756-765.
Nassauer, J. I., and Corry, R. C. 2004. Using normative scenarios in landscape ecology. Landscape Ecology 19: 343-356.
Nassauer, J. I. and Larson, D. 2004. Aesthetic Initiative Measurement System: A means to achieve context sensitive design. Transportation Research Record. No. 1890: 88-96.
“The Globalized Landscape: Rural Landscape Change and Policy in the United States and European Union.” J. I. Nassauer and D. M. Wascher. Landscapes of Power. Landscape Architecture Foundation and U of IL, Chicago, IL Sept. 2004.
Hager, Mary Catherine. 2003. Low-Impact Development: Lot Level Approaches to Stormwater Management are Gaining Ground. Stormwater, January/February 2003.
Nassauer, J. I. 2003. Methodological Challenges for Defining and Measuring Agricultural Landscape Indicators. p. 37-46 In Agricultural Impacts on Landscapes: Developing Indicators for Policy Analysis, W. Dramstad and C. Sogge, eds. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and Norwegian Institute of Land Inventory. 329 pp.
Nassauer, J. I. 2002. Agricultural landscapes in harmony with nature. pp. 189-193. (Revised and reprinted from Visions of American Agriculture, Wm. Lockeretz, ed. 1997) In Fatal Harvest, Douglas Tompkins, ed. Island Press, Washington, D. C. 384 pp.
Nassauer, J. I. 2002. Ecological Science and Design: A Necessary Relationship. Pp.217-230. In Ecology and Design: Frameworks for Learning, B. Johnson and K. Hill, eds. Island Press, Washington, D. C. 530 pp.
The North St. Paul Urban Ecology Center: "Hands-on" Wetland Restoration for Environmental Education. North St. Paul, Minnesota.
Nassauer, J. I., Kosek, S. E., and Corry, R. C. 2001. Meeting Public Expectations with Ecological Innovation in Riparian Landscapes. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 37:6 pp 1-5.
Nassauer, J. I., Borich T., Ladjahasan, N. 2001. Aesthetic Initiative Measurement System for the Minnesota Department of Transportation. Institute for Design Research and Outreach, and Center for Transportation Research and Education, ISU, Ames, Iowa.
Nassauer, J. I. 1999. Culture as a Means of Experimentation and Action. In Issues in Landcape Ecology. J. A. Wiens and M. R. Moss, eds. International Association for Landscape Ecology, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario N1G 2W1 Canada. pp. 129-133.
Environmental Protection Agency/NSF. Modeling Effects of Alternative Landscape Design and Management on Water Quality and Biodiversity in Midwest Agricultural Watersheds. Oregon State University, M. Santelmann.
Nassauer, J.I. 1998. Landscapes for our Children. In Today’s actions, tomorrow’s landscapes, Conference papers of the 25th anniversary conference of the New Zealand Institute of Landscape Architects. Te Papa, Wellington. pp.159-163.
“Ecological Science and Design: A Necessary Relationship.” The Shire Conference on Ecology and Design, U of O & U of W, Stevenson, Washington. 1998.
Nassauer, J.I., ed 1997. Placing Nature: Culture and Landscape Ecology. Island Press. Washington, D.C.
Bonsignore, R., D. Marckel, T. Rhoades, D. Vehige, and J. I. Nassauer. June 1997. Bassett Creek Wetland Park: Redevelopment in a Landscape of Wetland Soils. U of MN.
Nassauer, J. I. 1995. Messy Ecosystems, Orderly Frames. Landscape Journal. 14:2, pp. 161-170.
Nassauer, J. I. 1995. Culture and Changing Landscape Structure. Landscape Ecology. 10:4, pp. 229-237
The Cambridge Ecological Corridor Neighborhood: Using Ecological Patterns to Guide Urban Growth. Cambridge, Minnesota.
Nassauer, J. I. 1993. Ecological Function and the Perception of Suburban Residential Landscapes. In Gobster, P.H., ed., Managing Urban and High Use Recreation Settings, General Technical Report, USDA Forest Service North Central Forest Exp. Sta., St. Paul, MN.
Nassauer, J.I. 1992. The Appearance of Ecological Systems as a Matter of Policy. Landscape Ecology. 6:4, 239-250.
Nassauer, J.I. 1989. The Aesthetic Benefits of Agricultural Land. Renewable Resources Journal 7:4.
Nassauer, J.I. 1989. Agricultural Policy and Aesthetic Objectives. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 44:5, pp. 384-387.
Nassauer, J.I. 1988. Landscape care: Perceptions of Local People in Landscape Ecology and Sustainable Development. Landscape and Land Use Planning, 8: 27-41. Amer. Soc. of Landscape Architects, Washington DC.
Nassauer, J.I. 1988. The Aesthetics of Horticulture: Neatness as a Form of Care. HortSci. 23:6, pp.973-977.
Coen, D., J.I. Nassauer, and R. Tuttle. 1987. Landscape Architecture in the Rural Landscape. Landscape Architecture Technical Information Series 10, 7:1. American Society at Landscape Architects, Washington, DC.
Nassauer, J.I., and R. Westmacott. 1987. Progressiveness Among Farmers as a Factor in Heterogeneity of Farmed Landscapes. In Landscape Heterogeneity and Disturbance, M.G. Turner, (ed.), Springer‑Verlag.
Nassauer, J.I. 1986. Caring for the Countryside. U of MN Agricultural Experiment Station. St. Paul. AD-SB-3017.
Nassauer, J.I. 1985. Bringing Science to Landscape Architecture. CELA Forum 1:5.
Nassauer, J.I. 1983. Career Development in Women Landscape Architects. Landscape Arch.. 73:6.
Nassauer, J.I., and K.D. Arnold. 1982. National Survey on Career Development of Women in Landscape Architecture. Report to the Amer. Soc. of Landscape Architects.
Nassauer, J., et al. 1981. A ComputerAided Technique for the Analysis of Visual Composition. Proc Regional Design. American Society of Landscape Architects. Washington, DC.
Nassauer, J. 1979. Managing for Naturalness in Wildlands and Agricultural Lands. In Our National Landscape. USDA General Technical Report PSW‑35, Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, Berkeley, California.
Nassauer, J. 1977. Natural Resource Decisions as Art. Proceedings of the Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture, Minneapolis.